20 Lessons
The Holy Week study takes us through some of the events of Jesus’ last week leading up to his crucifixion and death. Passages from all the gospels will be examined, starting with Jesus being anointed for burial by Mary of Bethany, which is the start of Holy Week, and the Hebrew day started at Sunday. We will also look at the Triumphal entry later that day and the cleansing of the Temple. Some of Jesus’ teaching both in the Temple and the Mount of Olives will be examined. The Last Supper, betrayal, arrest, trial, and condemnation of Jesus will also be covered. Finally, we will look at His crucifixion, death and burial. Holy Week has been called the first week of the new creation. At the end of these six days, Jesus rested from all His works. On the first day of the new week, he would arise. By studying these themes, we join Christians from all ages in remembering the significance of this week.
Mark Barber is a retired pastor with over 35 years in the ministry. He also taught bible and theology courses for several years at Liberty Baptist College. He is a Summa graduate in History from Lee University in 1982. He received his M Div. from the Church of God School of Theology (Now the Pentecostal Theological Seminary) in 1989. He earned a Doctor of Ministry Degree from Knox Theological Seminary in 2015, majoring in preaching and teaching. Mark now writes sermons for sermoncentral.com, sermons.faithlife.com and is a regular featured contributor to pentecostalpastor.com.