Resources & Bible Answers

Browse our topical library to find God's answers to life and ministry challenges.

Christian Observances

Included in Paid Membership

Christian Calendar

The Christian Calendar can be an important way to remind Christians of the great events and doctrines of the Bible.

Included in Paid Subscription

Pentecostal Sacraments

In this series Daniel Tomberlin offers a full-length treatment of the theology and practice of Pentecostal sacraments.

Included in Paid Membership

Holy Week

The Holy Week study takes us through some of the events of Jesus’ last week leading up to his crucifixion and death.

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Christ and Culture

Included in Paid Membership

Christian Culture

We hear a lot about the “culture wars,” but very few people, including Christians, truly understand what this means and what is involved.

Included in Paid Subscription

The Bible, Sexuality, & Culture

increasingly problematic. How are people—especially Evangelicals and other conservative Christians—supposed to respond?


Included in Paid Membership

Matthew 24: A Discussion of Scripture, Interpretation, & Application

teaching on when the end of world would be and when He would return.

Included in Paid Membership

A Conversation on the Book of Revelation

Dr. Craig Keener discusses his understanding of Revelation and why he has found himself moving away from dispensational premillennialism.

Included in Paid Membership

Understanding the Book of Revelation

In three sessions Ken Gentry presents an interpretation based upon an early writing date for the book and why he believes it was written before the fall of Jerusalem.

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Historical Studies

Included in Paid Membership

Trek Through Church History

This series is a historical survey of the development of Christian doctrine that takes a look at the people and issues that were behind defending and advancing the Faith.


U.S. Christian History

Dr. Pafford takes us through an intriguing and engaging historical presentation of the Providential Founding of Our Nation.

Leadership Development

Included in Paid Membership

Pastoral Care: The Kerygma, The Didache, The Paraklitis

This series provides teaching to underscore the vital necessity of focusing ministry on The Good News, Sound Doctrine, and The Work of the Holy Spirit.

Included in Paid Membership

Sermon Preparation

This series features insights and methods of preachers with a proven track-record of developing and delivering powerful sermons passionately crafted from the Word of God.

Included in Paid Membership

Raising Money for Ministry

This four-part series is built around the acronym C.A.S.H. to provide a framework to organize your money raising requests around.

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Music & Worship

Included in Paid Membership

Equipping Worship Leaders

Many music ministers are recruited to lead a congregation in music, song and worship without adequate understanding of the requirements to minister effectively.

Included in Paid Membership

Focus on Music Ministry in the Church

In the first of two conversations focusing on the local church, Steve Allen discusses the importance of music in congregational worship, specifically from a Pentecostal perspective. Certifications

Included in Paid Membership

Customizing Ministry – Seminary

This five-session series assists pastors who are transitioning from one church to another as they seek to fulfill their calling in new settings.

Included in Paid Membership

Coaching Leaders through Nehemiah – Seminary

This course explores the leadership qualities Nehemiah used to complete what is considered by many as the most amazing projects on record: Rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem in just 52 days.


Included in Paid Membership

Praying the Breath of Life

This series was created to help the disciple of Christ receive divine oxygen to both live and thrive in an intimate relationship with Jesus.

Included in Paid Membership

Prayer Changes Things

One striking difference between our Christian forebears and us is their repeated emphasis on prayer and our comparative de-emphasis of it. They prayed frequently and fervently. We pray infrequently and languidly.

Included in Paid Membership

Personal Prayer

This is a four-session series on prayer. Two of the sessions are Kelvin Page’s sermons to his Westmore Church of God congregation and two are conversations between Craig Dumont and Kelvin Page that arose from the sermons.]

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Studies of the Word

Included in Paid Membership

The Life of Abraham

In many ways, Abraham can be called the first Christian. Even though he lived two thousand years before Christ.

Included in Paid Subscription

A Study of 1st Peter

In this letter, Peter spoke much about persecution, which anticipated the persecution he and other Christians would endure, not only in his day, but throughout the history of the church.

Included in Paid Membership

Genesis Genealogies

Jeremy Sexton highlights the historical reality of the Genesis genealogies and the Biblical years the timeline makes uniquely clear.

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Doctrine of the Word

This course covers the importance of the doctrine of the Word of God, with an emphasis, though not solely, upon 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

Included in Paid Membership

Doctrine of the Church

This series provides an excellent introduction into a largely neglected doctrine that is of great importance to Pentecostal churches today – the doctrine of the Church.

Included in Paid Membership

Paul as Theologian

Paul was the church’s first and greatest theologian. If Christianity means trusting and following Jesus Christ, then nothing could be more important than understanding what He is all about.

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