
Charles Spurgeon once stated that “for the prophets and the author of the Apocalypse (Revelation) I have high regard. For those who comment on them, I have other feelings.” We share his opinion, but here’s our contribution on “end-time” insights from an "All-the-Scripture” interpretation of victory.
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A Conversation on the Book of Revelation

Dr. Craig Keener discusses his understanding of Revelation and why he has found himself moving away from dispensational premillennialism.

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Eschatology and Interpreting Scripture

Gary Demar surveys the history of those prophesying “end times” and the modern evangelical fascination with the rapture and when that takes place.

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Matthew 24: A Discussion of Scripture, Interpretation, & Application

teaching on when the end of world would be and when He would return.

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The Man of Sin – 2nd Thessalonians 2

Who is this man and when does he live? Is this someone yet to be born, or was he alive in Paul’s day? Or somewhere in-between?

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Understanding the Book of Revelation

In three sessions Ken Gentry presents an interpretation based upon an early writing date for the book and why he believes it was written before the fall of Jerusalem.