Doctrine of Trinity

Doctrine of Trinity

3 Lessons

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A three-video series created for pastors as a “refresher” course on the importance of keeping a view of the Trinity before us at all times. The series provides an introduction to the Trinity, Comments on the Trinity and the Theology of the Trinity. As with all of Dr. Cross’ teaching, this is created to include theological, historical and practical insights that provide pastors and teachers a valuable “hands on” resource that can be of vital use for the local church.

About Terry Cross

Since 1997 Terry has been teaching at Lee University in the School of Religion. Since 2002, He has been Dean of the School of Religion and is Distinguished Professor of Systematic Theology. His PhD is in Systematic Theology from Princeton Theological Seminary (1991). Since 2007, he has worked with the Center for Barth Studies as a Translation Fellow, working with a group to translate a number of German (some French) works into English. Most recently Terry has written an ecclesiology, The People of God’s Presence (Baker Academic, 2019) and a companion volume, Serving the People of God’s Presence: A Theology of Ministry, (Baker Academic, 2020). Terry’s interests lie at the intersection of practical theology and systematic theology, especially as these relate to Pentecostal theology. Currently, he is working on A History of Christian Doctrine, especially on a initial volume on the image of God in humans. Terry has provided many teaching videos for, including his series on The Doctrine of The Word of GodThe Doctrine of the Trinity, Pastoral Care: The Kerygma, The Didache, The Paraklitis, and more. He lives in Cleveland, TN, with his wife, Linda.